Brian Tannebaum is a criminal defense attorney in Miami, Florida practicing in state and federal court. To learn more about Brian and his firm, Tannebaum Weiss, please visit
Its unbelievable that the state's AG hasn't stepped in yet. This does highlight how prosecutors can run rampant against a defendant even when its likely he's innocent. Usually they don't do it on high profile cases though. Its a real shame that the three duke players do not have any recourse since the prosecutor is exempt from civil liability. Shame on Nifong.
Its unbelievable that the state's AG hasn't stepped in yet. This does highlight how prosecutors can run rampant against a defendant even when its likely he's innocent. Usually they don't do it on high profile cases though. Its a real shame that the three duke players do not have any recourse since the prosecutor is exempt from civil liability. Shame on Nifong.