So he should of done it a couple days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast.
I don't care - he did it, and it was the right thing to do.
Today, September 13, 2005 President George W. Bush said the following:
"To the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right.............,
Way to go Mr. President! Way to go.
He said - that he wants to find out if the nation is capable of dealing with another storm or a severe attack. I'd like to know that also.
He said, "I want to know what went right and what went wrong." So do I.
Republicans and Democrats have one unique goal - to prove that the other party should not lead. Republicans may be wincing that the President blatantly took the heat, and Democrats may be preparing their "gotcha" soundbytes, but this is not a time for either, regardless of whether you love, or hate him.
This is a time for every elected official around the nation to take a lesson from the countless criminal defendants around the nation - sometimes, you have to plea guilty.
11 minutes ago
If I was a judge, I wouldn't accept the plea. It's too late and he's not really accepting responsibility. He's saying that *if* the feds messed up, then he takes responsibility. How about saying that they did screw up and that he's sorry. You'll never hear that from his mouth.