Four years for four misdemeanor counts of lying to police? The proper sentence, in this case (assuming the double jeopardy argument doesn't apply to the four counts for one long interview). I don't know Judge Perry well, but what I do know about him tells me that he didn't give Casey Anthony four years because she was acquitted, he gave her four years because he thought she deserved four years.
Caylee's law? Go ahead, change the law, make yourself happy. Make it a felony. Question though: If Casey Anthony was convicted and sentenced to death plus four years for lying, would anyone care? Would anyone notice?
Caylee's law isn't about Caylee, it's about Casey.
Casey Anthony will have a miserable life. Stalked everywhere, turned away from most places, yelled at, screamed at, and have things thrown at her. I know you don't care, I'm just making a statement (since you all care so much about Amendment One, and none of the others).
Jose Baez, he won a case most lawyers will never try. He did it after only being a lawyer a few years. You're envious, jealous, angry, hateful.
He doesn't care.
He won, regardless of what you think.
For the lawyers and former judges on TV saying the jury "didn't understand reasonable doubt?" You disgust me.
To all those asking what I think of the verdict? I think a jury of 12 people agreed the state didn't prove the case, and when 12 people can read instructions and evaluate evidence and come to a unanimous decision, I am happy that the Constitution is still a part of our system, no matter how many politicians and self hating lawyers try to tear it down.
I'm sorry a little girl is dead. I have two myself.
But I never want the Constitution and our criminal justice system to take a back seat to those who believe the burden of proof is just a technicality.
Non-anonymous comments welcome.Brian Tannebaum is a criminal defense lawyer in Miami, Florida practicing in state and federal court, and the author of The Truth About Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Brian, well said. I understand the general reaction from the general public who may not really understand the technicalities of our system of justice but it is disheartening to see the unprofessional play by play by so-called legal professionals who offered up their own brand of media-flavored, titillating stream of consciousness opinions.
ReplyDeleteEven the post-verdict responses from legal professionals is amazing to me. I wonder if I learned something in law school that they did not.
If Caylee's body had been found much earlier, do you think Mr. Baez would have won this case? Why wouldn't Mr. Kronk have been paid the reward money offered, which was substantial?
ReplyDeleteWell said! David Fussell
ReplyDeleteDo you ever notice how unpopular verdicts [e.g. OJ] get the crazies trying to "reform" the system? Redefine "reasonable doubt," amend this, eliminate that, etc., etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum. The same is true of unpopular court decisions. It is almost 40 years since Roe v Wade and the holding is still controversial. On the other side of the political fence, there were calls to repeal the 2nd amendment after the Heller decision.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I like the constitution pretty much the way it is. It might be in need of a little fine tuning here and there, but, for the most part, it has served us well for 224 years, or thereabouts. Let me suggest that it is utterly ridiculous to change a constitution because of one or two jury verdicts, or court decisions, that do not meet with approval by a vocal portion of the populace.
The alternative is mob rule. If we descend to that level, as in the French Revolution, there will be a reign of terror. Perhaps somebody on one of the cable channels should point that out.
I think Baez ought to get a medal for what he did. I can't believe how low so much of the profession has sunk that we didn't stand completely united and unequivocal in defense of him and what he was doing; but to have so many supposed colleagues jump up to join the lynch mob including disparaging the defense attorney just disgusted me.
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on down there in Orlando, or it is Florida generally? Or maybe the US as a whole.
Since this verdict I have tweaked how I explain the difference between the meaning of guilty (means only one thing) and the meaning of not guilty (means many things). I now ask potential jurors whether or not they would have the COURAGE to vote not guilty when they are convinced the accused is guilty but they have only one, single, solitary reasonable doubt. In the context of this case, the jury's actions exemplify courage and for me represent everything that is right with our system. Anthony G. Ryan
ReplyDeleteThank you, Brian. I have tried to explain this fiasco to friends, family, and even trusted advisors that this was an old-fashioned witch hunt. The economy still sucks. People are upset, frustrated, angry, and needed a focal point for their rage at the world. Casey Anthony was that scapegoat.
ReplyDeleteI have been saddened that my friends, family and even trusted advisors have ignored me, been angered by my suggestions, and even listened, admitted that what I said was true, and then chose to slaver over the verdict anyhow.
I started to question my own sanity last week, and my capacity for compassion for a little girl. Was I really that blind? How could I not see what all of my supposedly intelligent "peers" saw very clearly?
Thanks for confirming that I'm not a nut and not heartless. Just rational, and a believer in the premise that a Defendant is innocent until PROVEN guilty.