In the past week, our phones have not stopped ringing with calls from TV & Producers asking for legal experts who can discuss the Trevyon Martin shooting. They want strong Florida Attorneys and if you are one of them, we should probably speak ASAP.
Are you a strong Florida attorney? Well, are you?
What does that even mean, and who makes that determination?
You, I guess.
A strong National Television & Radio appearance can bring to the attention of millions your legal expertise.
What if you have no legal expertise?
Nevermind, I know better than to ask that question - being on TV makes you a legal expert.
We also have the ability to bolster you & your firms Twitter & Facebook followers and enhance your firm’s YouTube Channel.
OK. And?
Nevermind, I know. SEO, Google juice, more hits, more leads, more calls. More people with no money that want to talk to you because "yer famouse."
Now in all fairness, I was quoted on this case. Reporter called me - had a question about the law. And have I been on national TV? Yes, twice in 17 years. Once to comment on one of my cases, and the other to comment on a trial going on. I wasn't asked back a second day because I wouldn't "take the position" they wanted me to take. You know - criticize the lawyers and pretend I would do a much better job?
Any new clients?
But getting back to the issue of being a "legal expert," it is clear that the way to this title is not by work or reputation, it's by being placed and appearing to be an expert.
So there's a dead kid, and hey, maybe it's your time.
Are you a strong Florida attorney?
Brian Tannebaum is a criminal defense lawyer in Miami, Florida practicing in state and federal court, and the author of The Truth About Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer.

They seriously couldn't fix his typo before posting his quote?