A great editorial in the St Petersburg Times viewed here criticizes the sure passage of the Streamlined Procedures Act of 2005.
I know, you're saying, "not the Streamlined Procedures Act of 2005 again?!"
This legislation takes away the right of felons convicted in state court from seeking redress in federal court.
The Times says "this assault on due process should be stopped in its tracks." I agree.
According to the Times, "supporters of the Streamlined Procedures Act of 2005 say that changes are needed to move along executions and make the court system more efficient.
What the legislation does is reduce federal habeas corpus review and prohibit federal courts from addressing whether defendants constitutional rights were violated in state court.
So, as the Times says "the act would expedite executions, but it also would make it nearly impossible for people whose convictions resulted from incompetent counsel, fabricated evidence or a racially stacked jury from seeking redress in the federal courts. It would make claims of actual innocence extremely hard to bring, increasing the risk of error and speeding along the execution of those who didn't do it."
Killing innocent people? Don't bring that up again. That's like talking about your crazy uncle again.
The Times reports that according to the Death Penalty Information Center, more than 100 death row inmates have been exonerated as innocent of their crimes since the mid 1970s. I know, you don't care. They're all guilty.
The Times closes by saying that "these measures are highly destructive to this nation's traditional due process guarantees. They would replace accuracy with speed, and justice with notches on a belt. A bad trade all around."
That's a great new slogan for the idiots supporting this garbage:
Instead of "Liberty, and Justice for All" -
"Speed, is Justice For All.
5 hours ago